Groovier Spring at the Groovy/Grails Experience

Posted on February 14, 2008 by Scott Leberknight

I am not very good at the self-promotion thing, mainly because there are so many other people out there way, way smarter than I am. But in this case I'll make a small exception and mention that I'll be speaking next weekend at the Groovy/Grails Experience in Reston, VA giving a presentation called "Groovier Spring" in which I'll try to show how Groovy can make Spring-based applications more dynamic and flexible. Spring solves a bunch of underlying issues with the Java EE platform, for example dependency injection, resource and transaction management using AOP, and allowing applications to be tested more thoroughly and easily.

There is also a podcast on aboutGroovy in which I talk (or blather on, or ramble, or something like that) with Scott Davis about using Groovy together with Spring and talk about my talk, if that makes sense. You can hear it here on aboutGroovy.