Business Week Lauds Firefox

Posted on February 16, 2005 by Scott Leberknight

The January 24, 2005 and February 7, 2005 issues of Business Week magazine both have articles on Firefox. The article in the former issue is entitled "The Gnat Nipping At Microsoft" and gives lots of kudos to the Mozilla Foundation in general, mentioning not only Firefox but also its Thunderbird mail client and forthcoming Sunbird calendar program. The latter article, entitled "Move Over, Internet Explorer", talks about some of Firefox's cool features like tabbed browsing and the ability to add plug-ins. When Business Week starts recognizing Firefox and encouraging business people to check out Firefox, I'd say Mozilla's efforts are starting to pay off in a big way. I hope it continues. My wife and I have already switched both of our parents over the Firefox and many people at work too. Now that I am thinking about it, I'm going to go make a donation to the Mozilla Foundation to support them as they continue to develop high-quality software.