Distributed Coordination With ZooKeeper Part 6: Wrapping Up

Posted on July 15, 2013 by Scott Leberknight

This is the sixth (and last) in a series of blogs that introduce Apache ZooKeeper. In the fifth blog, we implemented a distributed lock, dealing with the issues of partial failure due to connection loss and the "herd effect" along the way.

In this final blog in the series you'll learn a few tips for administering and tuning ZooKeeper, and we'll introduce the Curator and Exhibitor frameworks.

Administration and Tuning

As with any complex distributed system, Apache ZooKeeper provides administrators plenty of knobs to control its behavior. Several important properties include the tickTime (the fundamental unit of time in ZooKeeper measured in milliseconds); the initLimit which is the time in ticks to allow followers to connect and sync to the leader; the syncLimit which is the time in ticks to allow a follower to synchronize with the leader; and the dataDir and dataLogDir which are the directories where ZooKeeper stores the in-memory database snapshots and transaction log, respectively.

Next, we'll cover just a few things you will want to be aware of when running a ZooKeeper ensemble in production.

First, when creating a ZooKeeper ensemble you should run each node on a dedicated server, meaning the only thing the server does is run an instance of ZooKeeper. The main reason you want to do this is to avoid any contention with other processes for both network and disk I/O. If you run other I/O and/or CPU-intensive processes on the same machines you are running a ZooKeeper node, you will likely see connection timeouts and other issues due to contention. I've seen this happen in production systems, and as soon as the ZooKeeper nodes were moved to their own dedicated machines, the connection loss problems disappeared.

Second, start with a three node ensemble and monitor the usage of those machines, for example using Ganglia and Nagios, to determine if your ensemble needs additional machines. Remember also to maintain an odd number of machines in the ensemble, so that there can be a majority when nodes commit write operations and when they need to vote for a new leader. Another really useful tool is zktop, which is very similar to the top command on *nix systems. It is a simple, quick and dirty way to easily start monitoring your ensemble.

Third, watch out for session timeouts, and modify the tickTime appropriately, for example maybe you have heavy network traffic and can increase tickTime to 5 seconds.

The above three tips are by no means the end of the story when it comes to administering and tuning ZooKeeper. For more in-depth information on setting up, running, administering and monitoring a ZooKeeper ensemble see the ZooKeeper Administrator's Guide on the ZooKeeper web site. Another resource is Kathleen Ting's Building an Impenetrable ZooKeeper presentation which I attended at Strange Loop 2013, and which provides a lot of very useful tips for running a ZooKeeper ensemble.

Getting a Curator

So far we've seen everything ZooKeeper provides out of the box. But when using ZooKeeper in production, you may quickly find that building recipes like distributed locks and other similar distributed data structures is harder than it looks, because you must be aware of many different kinds of problems that can arise - recall the connection loss and herd effect issues when constructing the distributed lock. You need to know when you can handle exceptions and retry an operation. For example if an idempotent operation fails during a client automatic failover event, you can simply retry the operation. The raw ZooKeeper library does not do much exception handling for you, and you need to implement retry logic yourself.

Helpfully Netflix uses ZooKeeper and has developed a framework named Curator, which they open sourced and later donated to Apache. The Curator wiki page describes it as "a set of Java libraries that make using Apache ZooKeeper much easier". While ZooKeeper comes bundled with the ZooKeeper Java client, using it to develop correct distributed data structures can be difficult and makes the code much harder to understand, due to problems such as connection loss and the "herd effect" which we saw in the previous blog.

Once you have a good understanding of ZooKeeper basics, check out Curator. It provides a client that replaces (wraps) the ZooKeeper class; a framework that contains a high-level API and improved connection and exception handling, along with built-in retry logic in the form of retry policies. Last, it provides a bunch of recipes that implement distributed data structures including locks, barriers, queues, and more. Curator even provides useful testing servers to run a single embedded ZooKeeper server or a test ensemble in unit tests.

Even better, Netflix also created Exhibitor, which is a "supervisor" for your ZooKeeper ensemble. It provides features such as monitoring, backups, a web-based interface for znode exploration, and a RESTful API.


In this series of blogs you were introduced to ZooKeeper; took a test drive in the ZooKeeper shell; worked with ZooKeeper's Java API to build a group membership application as well as a distributed lock; and toured the architecture and implementation details of ZooKeeper. If nothing else, remember that ZooKeeper is like a filesystem, except distributed and replicated. It allows you to build distributed coordination and data structures, is highly available, reliable, and fast due to its leader/follower design with no single point of failure, in-memory reads, and writes via the leader to maintain sequential consistency. Last, it provides clients with (mostly) transparent and automatic session failover in case of server failure. After becoming comfortable with ZooKeeper, be sure to have a look at the Curator framework by Apache (donated by Netflix recently) and also the Exhibitor monitoring application.


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