Ensuring Your Tests fail() When They Should

Posted on October 24, 2005 by Scott Leberknight

A few weeks ago I posted about how I use the fail() method immediately after an Exception should have been thrown, in order to ensure that invalid input or use of the method results in the exception that is expected. Since manually remembering to call fail() in every one of these situations is simply not going to work (at least not for me), I wrote a couple of quick and dirty utility classes to help out. They are based on a Spring-like Template/Callback approach, and embed the code I don't want to forget in the template class so that it is impossible to forget to call fail().

The template class is currently called ExceptionAssertionTemplate and contains two overloaded execute() methods. Here it is, with all my verbose JavaDocs and such.

package com.sleberknight.tests;

import junit.framework.Assert;

 * Template class for use by unit tests that want to perform actions
 * that cause expected exceptions and then  assert the exception
 * was thrown and is of the correct type.
 * @author Scott Leberknight
public class ExceptionAssertionTemplate {

     * Executes the specified ExceptionAssertionCallback and
     * fails the test if no exception was actually thrown. Does not check
     * the type of exception that was thrown. Any thrown exception is
     * considered a successful test.
     * @param callback
    public void execute(ExceptionAssertionCallback callback) {
        try {
            Assert.fail("Should have thrown an exception ");
        } catch (Exception e) {

     * Executes the specified ExceptionAssertionCallback
     * and either fails the test if no exception was actually thrown or
     * asserts that the exception thrown is of the expected type.
     * @param callback
     * @param expectedExceptionType
    public void execute(ExceptionAssertionCallback callback, Class expectedExceptionType) {
        try {
            Assert.fail("Should have thrown a " + expectedExceptionType.getName());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Assert.assertEquals(expectedExceptionType, e.getClass());


So to use it you need a ExceptionAssertionCallback, which is where you put code that should throw an exception. The no-arg execute() method executes the callback and fails the test if no exception was thrown. The execute() method that takes the expectedExceptionType argument additionally asserts that the thrown exception is of the expected type. So here is the callback class implementation.

package com.sleberknight.tests;

 * Callback class that unit tests can use to perform actions that should throw exceptions.
 * @author Scott Leberknight
public abstract class ExceptionAssertionCallback {

     * Implement this method to throw the expected exception.
     * @throws Exception
    public abstract void doActionCausingException() throws Exception;


That's it. The ExceptionAssertionCallback is an abstract class with one method, doActionCausingException(), which must be implemented. So how do you use these classes? Here is a simple example, in which I have a DAO I am testing a findVisit() method with a non-existent record in the database. This method should throw a HibernateObjectRetrievalFailureException when called with an invalid identifier. So basically you create the template, and then call the execute() method, passing in the callback, defined here as an anonymous inner class. Note that dao is defined as a private instance variable in the test case, and is thus available to use in the callback. The template then executes the callback's doActionCausingException() method and verifies that it throws an exception of type HibernateObjectRetrievalFailureException. Assuming it does, the test passes. Otherwise, the test fails.

public void testFindNonExistentVisit() {
    ExceptionAssertionTemplate template = new ExceptionAssertionTemplate();
    template.execute(new ExceptionAssertionCallback() {
        public void doActionCausingException() throws Exception {
    }, HibernateObjectRetrievalFailureException.class);

You could of course create a base test case that creates the ExceptionAssertionTemplate, which I actually did, and then there is even less code in your test as you can then just use the existing template that was created for you. But the main point here is that by using this approach, you cannot forget to fail() the test ever again.

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