Traceability from Requirements to Code
Posted on August 04, 2005 by Scott Leberknight
My question is this: who cares and why should we care if we can trace from a functional use case down to one or more classes, or even methods? Recently I have been discussing this issue, as I might be required to worry about this type of traceability on an upcoming project. My main problem with this whole idea stems from the fact that well-designed and abstracted OO code typically will not map in any sort of one-to-one fashion from a use case to code. This is mainly because of the fact that use cases are a functional breakdown of system requirements, while OO (and nowadays AOP) code that implements those requirements does not follow a structured, top-down breakdown. Thus there is not a one-to-one mapping of requirements to code. So that being the case, in my experience at least, what good does it do you to be able to show that a specific use case links to a whole mess of classes? Seriously, if someone can show that use case "Edit FooBlah" links to classes as well as other artifacts such as XML files, JSPs, properties files, etc. how does that truly help them? What is the purpose other than simply being able to do the linkage? The "Edit FooBlah" use case in say, a Struts-Spring-Hibernate typical web application crosses all tiers and touches a whole mess of artifacts ranging from Java classes to HTML, JavaScript, CSS, JSPs, Struts configuration files, resource bundles, Spring configuration files, Hibernate mapping files, utility classes, etc. etc. etc. If I've properly architected the application into well-defined layers, however, I already know exactly what artifacts make up a particular use case since almost all the typical use cases will be built in the same, consistent way.
I can clearly see the purpose for linking bug fixes, issues, etc. to the code that was altered to perform a fix. For example, if a bug is found, someone enters it into a tool like Atlassian JIRA. It then is reviewed, worked on, and code is checked in against that bug. The affected code tends to be concentrated (hopefully) into a small number of classes and is is easy to see how a particular issue was resolved. JIRA and similar tools are also useful to document new feature requests, improvements, etc. once a system is released into at least alpha or beta. In addition, tracking issues like this allows release notes to be easily assembled from reports run for a particular release number and to inform users about fixes, changes, and other things that might directly affect them. People can also search and find whether there is a workaround to a specific issue or whether someone else already reported the bug they found. There are lots of other good reasons why we use issue tracking systems like this.
But as for linking requirements, in whatever form they might be, directly to code, I do not see the tangible benefits. What if your requirements are on index cards in a XP-style development shop? Or if they are in textual use cases in a wiki? Is anyone really going to gain tremendous benefits from being able to tell you that a use case links to the following 27 different files? And the management of this information becomes much more complicated over time, as requirements change throughout the initial development as well as product maintenance. If a feature a product contains is fundamentally changed or improved, do I care that I can go back and trace the old requirements to code that has been removed from the system long ago? To me the most important thing is to have a set of automated tests that define whether a system does the tasks it is intended to perform. This can be unit tests, functional test suites, user acceptance tests, performance and load tests, and whatever other types of tests you want. But in the end they determine whether the product meets its users needs. Period. Users do not care to look at some gigantic stack of paper containing system requirements. They simply want a system they can easily use to perform their job. That's it. It's that simple. But for whatever reason many people in our young and immature industry still continue to believe that documentation such as requirements traceability, test plans, system requirements specifications, system design documents, system security plans, data migration plans, and umpteen other documents are the most important facet in developing software.
At JavaOne in 2004 I saw a demo of some products that claimed to easily and seamlessly (of course) provide linkage between requirements and code. So here's how it worked. You go into the requirements tool, select the requirement your class or (as the demo showed) method satisfies, and then drag and drop the requirement directly into your source code. The tool suite, which of course required you to have all the various parts of the suite, then created a code comment "linked" to the requirement and apparently was then able to track exactly what code linked to each requirement. Notwithstanding how brittle this solution was - just go into the source and delete the comment - it was also invasive and ugly. Assuming you had a sizable system, soon your developers would be spending all their time linking code to requirements, and trying to figure out which requirements some little utility class that everyone is using (e.g. StringUtils
) maps to, which of course is an exercise in futility.