No More Struts?
Posted on May 24, 2005 by Scott Leberknight
At this past weekend's No Fluff conference one thing was missing that has been at every conference I've been to for as long as I can remember...a session on Struts. There was not a single session on Struts, unless you count the session on Shale which I suppose is possibly the last gasp for Struts before it completely succumbs to JSF. Well, I suppose I don't really know enough (or anything) about Shale nor am I enthralled about learning, since I think most people will use straight JSF or Spring MVC or perhaps even Tapestry or WebWork. Though, other than Erik Hatcher I don't personally know anyone using Tapestry on a production project and I know only one person using WebWork. Erik loves Tapestry and though it looks pretty cool I am much more interested in Spring MVC simply because I am already a heavy Spring user. Everyone else is still on Struts it seems and a select few people I have talked to are using Spring MVC.