Posted on January 24, 2005 by Scott Leberknight
A week or two ago I went to the Novajug Enterprise Group meeting to hear about Hibernate3. Steve Ebersole from JBoss gave the presentation and did a good job explaining the future direction of Hibernate. From what he said, it appears the Hibernate crew have done a significant amount of work, including internal refactorings in addition to a bunch of new features I definitely want to get my hands on.
Steve called Hibernate3 an "evolutionary new version" of Hibernate which includes improvement of the existing code base and new features. One interesting thing is that you can actually run Hibernate3 in the same application as Hibernate2. Apparently this is possible because they changed the package root from net.sf.hibernate
to org.hibernate
. Of course that means to change from Hibernate2 to 3 you will need to do some search and replace in your own code. One thing that will be really cool if it happens is an improved Hibernate GUI console application that will allow you to write and test HQL queries as well as work with actual objects to see how Hibernate will behave in a real application. Another nice feature is the support for JDK 1.5 annotations, which might in some cases be a better alternative than writing .hbm.xml
mapping files.
Several of the more notable internal refactorings include a new event-based architecture as opposed to the current Session
-based architecture. Another new thing is the ANTLR-based HQL parser, which should provide much more granular and useful error messages for HQL syntax problems. Also, multi-valued cascade settings, e.g. cascade="save,update"
instead of all the various values rammed together into dash-delimited string like cascade="save-update"
. One other notable change is that fetching will now default to lazy rather than eager.
Now for the new features. Hibernate3 adds Filters, or "parametrized application-level views". For example, you could implement a security filter that would only return rows in a table for which a user has the proper access level. This is pretty much like adding additional restrictions to the WHERE
clause, e.g. WHERE :userLevel >= access_level
, but in a dynamic and non-intrusive manner.
"Houston, we have multi-table mappings!" According to Steve, multi-table mappings are not really a good thing, as he believes you should not make your object model less granular than your database tables, e.g. by mapping two tables into one domain object. I agree most of the time. However, many of us live in a world where DBAs sometimes make the database extremely normalized to the point where one logical entity is scattered across two or more tables. I don't necessarily like it, but it's reality and I am glad Hibernate now has the ability to do multi-table mappings. Oh, did I mention you use the <join />
element to accomplish this feat? There are some more advanced things you can do like mixing <join />
and inheritance.
Another interesting, though perhaps dangerous in the hands of the wrong developer, feature is called "representation independence". Steve's example was persisting "maps of maps" or "lists of maps", etc. In other words, you can persist a dynamic model without even needing a class. I can see scenarios where this would come in handy, but would certainly be wary of using it unless there is no other good alternative.
Several other new features include JMX integration; support for handwritten SQL and stored procedure integration into normal POJO domain objects; and EJB3-style persistence operations. Though, as long as Hibernate is around I don't think I'll be knocking down EJB3's door anytime soon.