No GET Requests! Are You Serious?

Posted on April 02, 2005 by Scott Leberknight

I managed to read a couple more pages of Core JavaServer Faces today and couldn't believe it when I read that JSF only supports POST requests for forms because apparently you can store session state on the client in a hidden field; this is apparently done automatically by JSF. Therefore since the contents of that field "can be quite large" you could possibly "overrun the buffer for request parameters." Are you serious? So for every form you create in JSF you must POST the submission? That is simply unbelievable. There is a reason there are both GET and POST requests - they are for different types of actions. Why in the world a framework would force you to (mis)use POST for every form submission is utterly beyond me. Then again, I suppose if you buy into the whole "JSF applications should be created using specific tools like Sun Studio Creator" model, then you probably either don't care what code is generated, wouldn't understand it anyway, or don't even realize there is a difference between GET and POST requests. If there weren't any difference, then why do Servlets have both doGet() and doPost() methods?

I would have thought the people designing JSF would know better than this. Spring MVC for example recognizes the distinction between GET and POST requests, and its AbstractController permits disabling GET and POST requests via a supportedMethods property, which by default supports HEAD, GET, and POST methods. In addition, Spring's AbstractFormController defines separate lifecycles for GET and POST requests, taking the viewpoint that GET requests typically correspond to "edit" operations while POST requests correspond to "save" or "delete" operations.

Finally, the fact that JSF doesn't even give the developer a choice just seems to be more evidence that it was designed for tools and not with developers in mind. And the implementation of storing client state in some gigantic hidden field seems ludicrous. That would mean you would need to have a form on every single page of a web application in order to carry that state around. To me that is just a poor design decision; it is certainly possible (and preferred) to design web applications with a minimum amount of session state. About the only things I ever store in session are User objects representing who the logged on user is. Sometimes I'll simply store the user's database id. Everything else that the view needs can be setup per request and set as request attributes. The only caveat is that I often store global data, e.g. for drop-down select lists and other rarely-changing reference data, in application scope. But seriously, is this really going to be the way the standard J2EE web framework works?

Raible Working for Microsoft

Posted on April 02, 2005 by Scott Leberknight

On April 1st I read how Matt Raible was going to work for Microsoft. Not thinking about the fact that it was April Fools Day, I completely bought it. What's even funnier is that today I saw his blog post about how it is not true and how CNET actually reported it in a story! I also feel a little stupid because tonight I told a couple of co-workers that Raible was going to work for Microsoft. :-)

First Real Python Script

Posted on April 01, 2005 by Scott Leberknight

Yesterday I completed my very first real, though very novice, Python script at work. We were creating a "commons" project for several projects past and present that I am working on that combines utility classes created over the pasts few years. We merged the codebase from the projects and needed to go through all the Java source files and modify headers, Javadoc tags, and footers to be consistent. I wrote a relatively short Python script to do this, and found it was pretty easy. Despite the fact that I have barely started to learn Python I was able to use the os module to work with files and directories, and to use the re module to use regular expressions to match various strings.

Definitely the coolest thing was the walk() function which (from the Python documentation) "generates the file names in a directory tree, by walking the tree either top down or bottom up. For each directory in the tree rooted at directory top (including top itself), it yields a 3-tuple (dirpath, dirnames, filenames)." For example, suppose you wanted to find all Windows .bat files starting from the c:\projects directory. The following script does just that. I am sure an expert Python developer could do it in fewer lines, but I am just starting out with Python so I'm sure it's not the best code.

import os
import re

for root, dirs, files in os.walk('c:\projects', topdown=False):
  for file in files:
    match = re.compile('.*bat$').match(file)
    if match != None:
      print 'Found file: ' + file + ' in dir ' + root

Pretty cool. I am not even going to bother seeing how many more lines of Java code this would take, but I'm sure it would be a lot more. Anyway, the way the walk() method returns a "3-tuple" is just plain cool, and it's even cooler how you can just define them in the for loop. I definitely plan to continue learning Python and keep this snake in my software tool garden. Ok, I cannot believe I just wrote that. Must be getting old if the cheesy and sucky jokes are starting already.

JSF Designed For Tool Support

Posted on April 01, 2005 by Scott Leberknight

After a month hiatus from blogging in which we took a week snowboarding at Whistler/Blackcomb and my time seemed to get sucked down the drain, I've started reading Core JavaServer Faces. Mind you, it is not because I am enthralled with JSF or that I really want to use it on any future projects. I am learning it because I am sure that in the near future I will have to explain to a client why I don't want to use it on a project right now.

I've read a lot of people's opinions on JSF on various places like TheServerSide, SYS-CON, IBM developerWorks, and another one at SYS-CON.

Obviously there's no shortage of opinions both ways. One of the things that annoys me is how JSF was designed for tools. There are some people who I've argued with and others whose articles I read who try to dispel this "myth" and say its not true. Well, it is true. In the preface to Core JSF, David Geary explains the JSF "framework was designed for tool support". Not designed with tools in mind, not designed so tool vendors can provide tooling, but designed purposely and specifically for tools. Now I am not against tools per se; in fact I use them all day long every day, e.g. IDEs, build tools, test tools, etc. But I am little skeptical of a framework designed and targeted for tools. Since David is a member of the JSF expert committee, and because I have now heard him say that in person and now in print, I believe it.

Yes, you can build JSF application by hand in vi if you like, but since JSF was designed for tools, it would be common sense to think that using a tool to build JSF applications would make it easier. One of the great things about the Java and open source worlds is that most things are first designed and used by people hand-coding everything, and then tools are built to support things that are tedious and repetitive. JSF inverts this by beginning with tools. Therefore from what I have seen (I'm only a 100 pages into the 600 pages of Core JSF) the JSF expert committee wasn't really too worried about those people who actually are more productive hand-coding or are experts and therefore can be slowed down by some tools.

Another thing about JSF is that it seems to force developers to build JSF applications, not HTML-based web applications or any other view technology. In other words, JSF strives to be completely agnostic of the specific view technology. That is fine in principle and might even work itself out to be a good choice, but for now it seems you have almost zero control over the HTML generated in your web application. Contrast the JSF style with all custom JSF tags with Spring which completely separates the view from the controller in its MVC framework, and does so with a minimal amount of coding and intrusion. It was designed for different view technologies to be plugged into the web framework, and actually supports multiple view technologies out of the box - JSP/JSTL, Velocity, Freemarker, XSLT, PDF, and Excel to name some. JSF on the other hand supports only JSP out of the box as a view technology. It seems that JSF pages are a morass of custom JSF tags, with very little HTML at all. Thus without a tool that explicitly supports JSF, a web developer who only knows things like HTML, CSS, graphics, etc. is going to have a tough time! In addition, this model makes it hard to customize the generated HTML since it is generated for you.

Having been to JavaOne the past two years where Sun has repeated how they want to make Java/J2EE development easier and lure masses of Visual Basic developers to Java. A noble goal but it could backfire if it actually succeeds. I say "backfire" because that means the Java world would all of a sudden have a group of developers who can use a tool, but have no idea what's going on underneath. That is always a recipe for problems, because there always are unique problems you run into during every single project you work on., and which require a deeper level of understanding than someone who only understands how to point-and-click. Anyway, I digress.

The point is I will get through Core JSF, building the sample applications by hand in Eclipse and UltraEdit, and perhaps I'll later blog about how I was wrong. But right now I'm not counting on that outcome; we'll see what happens. Perhaps as I go further with JSF I'll change my mind. Most times my first impression has been about right, but I definitely have misjudged things before. The worst one was my initial impression of Spring. After the first article I read, I wasn't really interested. But now I am a huge Spring user and advocate.

Date Handling in Java Revisited

Posted on February 23, 2005 by Scott Leberknight

After writing last week about how horrendous date handling in Java can be, apparently the developers who just released version 1.0 of Joda Time agreed. But they actually did something about it by creating a Java library that seems to address many of the shortcomings in the default JDK date classes. Pretty cool.

So using Joda Time you can implement the example from my date handling rant as:

DateTime start = new DateTime(2004, 2, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0);
DateTime end = new DateTime(2005, 2, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0);
Period period = new Period(start, end, PeriodType.weeks());
int numberOfWeeks = period.getWeeks();
System.out.println("numberOfWeeks = " + numberOfWeeks);

Well, that's a lot better than using the JDK date classes and close to the simplicity of the Python example. And it prints the correct answer, 52.

I did run into a slight issue at first. Notice in the above example I am using the version of the Period constructor that takes two ReadableInstants and a PeriodType. In this case I wanted to compute weeks so I used PeriodType.weeks() as the value of the argument. There is a constructor that takes only the two ReadableInstants which, according to the JavaDoc, is supposed to use the "standard" PeriodType and should include the "standard set of fields". The standard fields defined in PeriodType include: years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, and millis. Good enough, right?

Well, when I run the following sample code it prints out zero not 52 as I initially expected:

DateTime start = new DateTime(2004, 2, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0);
DateTime end = new DateTime(2005, 2, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0);
Period period = new Period(start, end); // uses standard PeriodType
int numberOfWeeks = period.getWeeks();
System.out.println("numberOfWeeks = " + numberOfWeeks); // prints zero!

In fact, the value of millis, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months are all zero. Only year has a value and its value is one. Hmmm. After some more playing around I found out that the way Joda Time computes the period is actually pretty intelligent. Check out the following slightly modified example, which contains dates with different months, day, hour, minute, etc.

DateTime start = new DateTime(2004, 2, 17, 16, 30, 10, 546);
DateTime end = new DateTime(2005, 5, 10, 17, 45, 7, 344);
Period period = new Period(start, end);
System.out.println("period = " + period);

When run this prints: period = P1Y2M3W2DT1H14M56.798S. So it actually is smart enough to break apart the period into years, months, weeks, days, etc. That is pretty cool. And if you query the individual methods such as getDays() you get the values shown in the output string - 1 year, 2 months, 3 weeks, 2 days, 1 hour, 14 minutes, 56 seconds, and 798 milliseconds. So the values in Period must be taken together as defining a period, which makes sense since that is really how people tend to think about dates.

Joda Time also provides Interval and Duration classes in addition to Period. They all do slightly different things. But overall there are a ton of useful utilities in Joda Time and I plan to start using it straightaway on projects.

Date Handling in Java

Posted on February 16, 2005 by Scott Leberknight

There has been a thread going around an internal forum at work the past few days on calculating the difference between two dates in weeks, and how to implement that using Java. Of course since working with dates is Java is not at all fun, the code was very verbose and had lots of conversion from Strings to Dates to longs to perform subtraction on the time in milliseconds and then a bunch of basic math to convert milliseconds to weeks. Ugh. Since I've been dabbling a little in Python lately (that is, going through the tutorial very slowly whenever I get a few minutes here and there) I decided to see how this would be accomplished in Python. Here it is:

date_from = date(2004, 2, 17)
date_to = date(2005, 2, 17)
diff = date_to - date_from
diff_in_weeks = diff.days / 7
print diff_in_weeks

And of course the answer it prints is 52. So that was five lines of code including the print statement.

The equivalent code in Java might look something like the following:

GregorianCalendar fromCalendar = new GregorianCalendar(2004, 1, 17); // month is zero-based
long fromDate = fromCalendar.getTimeInMillis();

GregorianCalendar toCalendar = new GregorianCalendar(2005, 1, 17); // month is zero-based
long toDate = toCalendar.getTimeInMillis();

long diffInMillis = toDate - fromDate;
long diffInWeeks = diffInMillis / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7); // lots of yuckiness here to convert millis to weeks

So that's seven lines of code including the print statement. That's not that much of a difference, but the difference in readability is a rather large difference. In the Python version, we create two dates and subtract them to get a timedelta object which "represents a duration, the difference between two dates or times" according to the Python docs. We are now working with an object that inherently represents a difference between times and thus the code is very clean. On the other hand, in the Java code we have to convert from a Calendar to a Date to a long, compute the difference in a primitive type that does not inherently represent the difference between times, and do some yucky but still relatively simple math to convert from milliseconds to weeks.

And though I could have used the Date constructor that takes a year, month, and day I decided against that because that constructor and similar ones are deprecated. So I used a GregorianCalendar to obtain the date and then converted to a completely non-natural way to represent a date - a Java primitive long value.

The point is that dealing with dates, times, calendars, etc. in Java is not a very pleasing experience most of the time, and it is beyond me why the Java language does not directly support the notion of ranges, whether they are numeric or dates or times. At the least the Date or perhaps Calendar class could have included a diff() method that would allow you to compute the difference between two dates. Isn't this a pretty common thing to do in many applications? So of course everyone has to write their own version in some DateUtils class just like they have to create StringUtils classes to deal with omissions in String, such as checking if a string is empty or not empty, splitting and joining (prior to JDK 1.4), capitalizing, etc.

And to top it all off, the date and number formatting classes DateFormat and NumberFormat along with MessageFormat are not thread safe. That to me was a very poor design decision since now everyone needs to create their own wrappers or utility classes to be able to use a shared date formatter perhaps using a ThreadLocal to ensure thread safety. Until JDK 1.4 Sun didn't even bother to inform people of potential multithreading issues in the JavaDocs.

This is sort of a silly rant about relatively low-level details, but I think it points out that making your code read along the lines of your domain ensures readability and maintainability, since the code reflects the language of the problem domain and not the programming language. In this case the Python example more cleanly mirrors how you typically think about dates than the Java example, which makes for cleaner and more efficient code.

Business Week Lauds Firefox

Posted on February 16, 2005 by Scott Leberknight

The January 24, 2005 and February 7, 2005 issues of Business Week magazine both have articles on Firefox. The article in the former issue is entitled "The Gnat Nipping At Microsoft" and gives lots of kudos to the Mozilla Foundation in general, mentioning not only Firefox but also its Thunderbird mail client and forthcoming Sunbird calendar program. The latter article, entitled "Move Over, Internet Explorer", talks about some of Firefox's cool features like tabbed browsing and the ability to add plug-ins. When Business Week starts recognizing Firefox and encouraging business people to check out Firefox, I'd say Mozilla's efforts are starting to pay off in a big way. I hope it continues. My wife and I have already switched both of our parents over the Firefox and many people at work too. Now that I am thinking about it, I'm going to go make a donation to the Mozilla Foundation to support them as they continue to develop high-quality software.

One Schema To Rule Them All

Posted on January 26, 2005 by Scott Leberknight

On my current project at work, we started out with our own separate database. About a month into development, we were directed to re-host our database inside a centrally managed corporate database. The application itself is relatively small with a small number of tables - around 20 in total. Prior to our move into the corporate database, we had our own schema in an Oracle9 database. This worked out well since our tables could be named exactly as we wanted and we didn't need to worry about naming conflicts.

When we began the migration into the new Oracle9 database, however, we found out that we would not have our own schema. Instead all our tables would be created in one schema, as there is only one schema for the entire database. Because there is only one schema, this means that all our tables had to be renamed in accordance with a set of naming conventions and also to ensure the table names fully described the domain and intent of the table. In other words, since all tables are in one schema, the table name is the fully qualified unique name. At first glance this "One Schema To Rule Them All" approach did not seem to be the best idea.

For one thing, tables in different Oracle schemas can certainly see each other so long as the appropriate permissions are granted. They can also reference each other via normal foreign key constraints. In addition, the fully qualified name of a table is schema_name.table_name such that you could have two tables with the same name in different schemas and not have a naming conflict. Also, requiring all tables to reside in one schema means that you cannot have two tables with the same name, and you sometimes would end up having to create contrived names to avoid name collisions.

But I think the real reason why this approach struck me as not such a good choice was related to the way in which you package classes in object-oriented languages such as Java and C#. In Java you create packages and you place classes into those packages according to some logical breakdown. For example, in a web application you might have high-level packages representing the view, the model, and the controller. Or you might create packages according to use cases. And more than likely different applications will reside in different packages, with perhaps some common packages in a "common" or "utils" package that can be shared between applications. So I thought: Wouldn't it be better to create a "core" schema in which tables common to all applications, e.g. Employee, Department, etc. could reside and then have separate schemas for each application?

So I asked several of the database designers we are working with about this. The answer was that several years ago they actually started down the multiple schema path, but quickly found that establishing the permissions between all the schemas coupled with some additional security restrictions they have in place was a real maintenance nightmare. I suppose that makes sense, since in order to have access to the proper tables each database account needs to be granted permissions on all the schemas and tables within those schemas. And with the additional security features they require it complicates this further. Thus they changed to the one schema approach and have strict naming guidelines and conventions to handle potential naming collisions.

I can understand this argument, but I wonder if there still isn't an easier way to deal with this issue in large corporate databases shared by multiple applications across multiple business units. Until then, we have "One schema to rule them all, One schema to find them. One schema to bring them all and in the darkness bind them."

New Books

Posted on January 25, 2005 by Scott Leberknight

Thanks to Novajug I now have two new books. Two weeks ago I won "Core JSF" and last night I won "Eclipse in Action" in random drawings of business cards from a container. Now if I only had some time lying around to read them. The only reason for posting is simply that I rarely win anything from those types of drawings. Can I make it a three-peat at the next meeting? :-)


Posted on January 24, 2005 by Scott Leberknight

A week or two ago I went to the Novajug Enterprise Group meeting to hear about Hibernate3. Steve Ebersole from JBoss gave the presentation and did a good job explaining the future direction of Hibernate. From what he said, it appears the Hibernate crew have done a significant amount of work, including internal refactorings in addition to a bunch of new features I definitely want to get my hands on.

Steve called Hibernate3 an "evolutionary new version" of Hibernate which includes improvement of the existing code base and new features. One interesting thing is that you can actually run Hibernate3 in the same application as Hibernate2. Apparently this is possible because they changed the package root from net.sf.hibernate to org.hibernate. Of course that means to change from Hibernate2 to 3 you will need to do some search and replace in your own code. One thing that will be really cool if it happens is an improved Hibernate GUI console application that will allow you to write and test HQL queries as well as work with actual objects to see how Hibernate will behave in a real application. Another nice feature is the support for JDK 1.5 annotations, which might in some cases be a better alternative than writing .hbm.xml mapping files.

Several of the more notable internal refactorings include a new event-based architecture as opposed to the current Session-based architecture. Another new thing is the ANTLR-based HQL parser, which should provide much more granular and useful error messages for HQL syntax problems. Also, multi-valued cascade settings, e.g. cascade="save,update" instead of all the various values rammed together into dash-delimited string like cascade="save-update". One other notable change is that fetching will now default to lazy rather than eager.

Now for the new features. Hibernate3 adds Filters, or "parametrized application-level views". For example, you could implement a security filter that would only return rows in a table for which a user has the proper access level. This is pretty much like adding additional restrictions to the WHERE clause, e.g. WHERE :userLevel >= access_level, but in a dynamic and non-intrusive manner.

"Houston, we have multi-table mappings!" According to Steve, multi-table mappings are not really a good thing, as he believes you should not make your object model less granular than your database tables, e.g. by mapping two tables into one domain object. I agree most of the time. However, many of us live in a world where DBAs sometimes make the database extremely normalized to the point where one logical entity is scattered across two or more tables. I don't necessarily like it, but it's reality and I am glad Hibernate now has the ability to do multi-table mappings. Oh, did I mention you use the <join /> element to accomplish this feat? There are some more advanced things you can do like mixing <join /> and inheritance.

Another interesting, though perhaps dangerous in the hands of the wrong developer, feature is called "representation independence". Steve's example was persisting "maps of maps" or "lists of maps", etc. In other words, you can persist a dynamic model without even needing a class. I can see scenarios where this would come in handy, but would certainly be wary of using it unless there is no other good alternative.

Several other new features include JMX integration; support for handwritten SQL and stored procedure integration into normal POJO domain objects; and EJB3-style persistence operations. Though, as long as Hibernate is around I don't think I'll be knocking down EJB3's door anytime soon.